SSC CHSL Topic Wise Study Material – General Intelligence – Figural Classification
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Classification is defined as to assort the different items of a given group on the basis of certain common quality they posses and spot the odd man out.
Classification covers several different criteria which can be applied to classify the given items into a particular group. This classification can be based on some common properties which they possess like shape, number of sides, division of figures etc. Here, the objects which possess these common properties are classified into the same group while the object which does not possess these common properties (i.e., the odd one) is to be eliminated from the group.
Some criteria used for establishing equality inequality between the figures
1. Rotation of Same Figure
This is the most common type of classification. The similar figures are actually the rotated forms of the same figure in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. The figure which comes out to be different from other is that figure which cannot be obtained by rotation of either of the other figures.
Example In the following question, a group of four figures is given. Out of which three figures are similar to each other in a certain way and one is different from other. Find the odd figure out.
(d) Except figure (d), can be rotated to form different figures
2. Number of Elements or Lines
A group of figure may be classified on the basis of number of elements or the number of lines present in figures. The figures can also be classified on even or odd number of lines or elements present in figures. Classification can also be done on the ratio of number of lines and elements.
Example In the following question, out of four figures (a), (b), (c) and (d) given in each problem, three are similar in a certain way. However, one figure is not like the other three. Choose the figure which is different from the rest.
(b) Figure (b) is different from the rest, because lines do not touch to other lines.
3. Division of Figures
This type of classification is done on the equal or in equal division of figures or division of figure in some specified ratio or parts.
Example In the following question, a group of four figures is given. Out of which three figures are similar to each other in a certain way and one is different from other. Find the odd figure out.
(a) Except figure (a), ail Figures are divided into two equal parts.
4. Similarity of Figures
Classification on the basis of similarity of figure is done when orientation, shape, measure of angle or method of presentation of group is same except for the odd figure.
Example In the following question, a group of four figures is given. Out of which three figures are similar to each other in a certain way and one is different from other. Find the odd figure out.
(d) Except figure (d), in all the figures, middle of square is open that touches the blank box.
5. Relation between Elements of Figure
In this type of classification, the elements of the figure bears a certain relationship between them in which the odd figure does not posses. This relation can be based on shape of elements presents, inversion of elements etc.
Example In the following question, a group of four figures is given. Out of which three figures are similar to each other in a certain way and one is different from other. Find the odd figure out.
(c) Except figure (c), in all the figures, both the inside . and outside figures are similar but differ in size.
6. Interior-Exterior Consideration of Elements
A figure can be formed from two or more elements, it is likely that some elements may lie in interior of other elements while some may lie in the exterior of the other elements. This consideration can be used for classification of elements from a group,
Example In the following question, a group of four figures is given. Out of which three figures are similar to each other in a certain way and one is different from other. Find the odd figure out.
(d) Only figure (d), does not contain any element present in the interior of the closed figure.
Reference Corner
1.Select the figure which is different from the rest three SSC (10 + 2) 2013
2. Find the odd figure from the given alternatives. SSC (10 + 2) 2013
Practice Exercise
Directions (Q.-Nos. 1 -21) Out of the four figures (a), (b), (c) and (d), given in each problem, three are similar in a certain way. However, one figure is not like the other three. Choose the figure which is different from the rest.
Hints & Solutions
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