SSC CHSL Papers Download PDF Set 9
General Intelligence
Directions (1-2) : In the following questions, select the related letter/word from the given alternatives:
1. A-E : R-V : : B-F : F – J
(1) BSCG (2) FUGK (3) CSCG (4) CTDH
2. Horse : Neigh :: Bells : ?
(1) Chime (2) Rustle (3) Roar (4) Beat
Directions (3-4): In each of the following questions, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
(1) TYZ (2) RYZ (3) MYZ (4) XYZ
4. 5,13,29,61,125, ? .
(1) 253 (2) 196 (3) 245 (4) 145
5. Certain numbers have symbols as given below.
What is the number indicated by these symbols ?
(1) 56907 (2) 4 5 0 9 6 (3) 4 5 9 0 6 (4) 4 7 0 9 5
Directions (6-7): In each of the following questions, find the odd word/number from the given alternatives.
(1) Yellow Orange
(2) Red Yellow
(3) Red Orange
(4) Yellow Green
7. 27, 125,216, 343
(1) 125 (2) 216 (3) 343 (4) 27
8. What is the least number to be subtracted from 2486 to make it a perfect square ?
(1) 85 (2) 90 (3) 95 (4) 80
9. Shiela and Belah start from their office and walk in opposite direction each travelling 10 kms. Shiela then turns left and walks 10 kms. Belah turns right and walks 10 km. How far are they now from each other?
(1) 10 km (2) 5km (3) 8 km (4) 20 km
Directions (10): In the following question, from the given alternatives select the word which can¬not be formed using the letters of the given word.
11. In the following question, the number of letters skipped in between adjacent letters in the series is successive even numbers. Which of the following series observes this rule ?
12. If x stands for addition. < for subtraction, + stands for division, > stands for multiplication, – stands for equation, / stands for greater than, and = stands for less than, state which of the following is true?
(1) 5>8 + 4= 10<4×8
(2) 3×4>2-9 + 3<3
(3) 5X3<3/8 + 4X 1
(4) 3X2<4/16 >2+ 4
13. 3917.3526. ? ,2857
(1) 3174 (2) 3389 (3) 2682 (4) 3082
14. 16 49 64
25 36 81
9 13 ?
(1) 22 (2) 17 (3) 14 (4) 21
(1) 7.5 hours
(2) 14 hours 40 minutes
(3) 12 hours 20 minutes
(4) 13 hours 20 minutes
16. A and B both are walking away from point ‘X’. A walked 3 m and B walked 4 m from it, then A walked 4 m north of X and B walked 5 m south of A. What is the distance between them now ?
(1) 9.5 m (2)9m (3) 16m (4) 11.40 m
Directions (17): In the following question, one/ two statements are given followed by two/three conclusions 1, II and III. Ton have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the given statements.
17. Statements
(I) All cities are towns
(II) Some cities are villages
Conclusions / :
(1) All villages are towns
(II) No village is a town
(III) Some villages are towns
(i) Only conclusion (III) follows
(2) Only conclusion (1) follows
(3) Only conclusion (II) follows
(4) None of these
Directions (18) : In the following question, which answer figure will complete the question figure?
19. Which figure represent the relationship among Sun, Moon, Molecule ?
20. A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in the matrix given below. The columns and rows of Matrix are numbered from 0 to 6. A letter from the matrix can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., ‘A’ can be represented by 42, 62, etc. and ‘P’ can be represented by 15, 43, etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word ‘CALM’.
(1) 53,42,65,36 (2)53,54,51,31
(3) 44, 54, 65, 24 (4) 44, 62, 65, 51
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