Indian Constitution Download PDF
Nature of Constitution
- The Historical Background
- The Making of the Constitution
- The Philosophy of the Constitution
- Outstanding Features of Constitution
- Nature of Federal System
- Territory of the Union
- Citizenship
- Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties
- Directive Principles of State Policy
- Procedure for Amendment
Government of the Union
- The Union Executive
- The Union Legislature
Government of the States
Administration of Union Territories
Local Government
- The New System of Panchayats , Municipalities and Co-operative Societies
- Panchayats
- Municipalities and Planning Committees
Administration of Special Areas
The Judicature
The Federal System
- Distribution of Legislature and Executive Powers
- Distribution of Financial Powers
- Administrative Relations between the Union and the States
- Inter-State Relations
- Emergency Provisions
- Rights and Liabilities of the Government and Public Servants
- The Services and Public Service commissions
- Elections
- Minorities, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
- Languages
- How the Constitution has Worked