Composition of the Legislative Assembly | Indian Constitution Download PDF
The Legislative Assembly of each State shall be composed of members chosen by direct election on the basis of adult suffrage from territorial constituencies. The number of Assembly. members of the Assembly shall be not more than 500 nor less than 60. The Assembly in Mizoram and Goa shall have only 40 members each.
There shall be a proportionately equal representation according to population in respect of each territorial constituency within a State. There will be a readjustment by Parliament by law, upon the completion of each census [Art. 170].
As stated already, the Governor has the power to nominate one member of the Anglo-Indian community as he deems fit, if he is of opinion that they are not adequately represented in the Assembly [Art. 333]. Such reservation will cease on the expiration of seventy years from the commencement of the Constitution [Art. 334].
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