Campus Recruitment – Technical Interview – Civil Engineering
Technical Interview
In the present days, most of the companies are conducting the Technical Interview Round in their recruitment process. It is one of the efficient way of filtering the suitable person for the industry. Many students have a wrong notion that it is very hard to clear this round. But it is not true. This round will mainly focus on the basics or fundamentals of the stream. Students need to be thorough and confident in the fundamentals of the subject. Recruiting team will not expect that the student should answer all questions perfectly, but he/she must be reasonably good and confident about the subject. The most important questions for technical interview are given below. These questions will give you the idea about what type and toughness generally the companies are asking.
Civil Engineering
Building Materials and Construction
1) What is the term used to call the vertical member in the middle of the door/window frame?
2) What is the standard or commonly recommended 1 depth between finished level of ground and the general ground level around the building?
3) Do you know the number of BIS standard used for building drawing purpose?
4) Can you draw a typical sign indicating brick?
5) State a few conditions at where eccentricity of building occurs?
6) What are the requirements of a material used for damp proofing in building construction?
7) At what level damp proofing course on the internal wall is provided if two ground floors at different levels , are connected by an internal wall?
8) What is the term used to indicate the sides of the openings such as doors or windows?
9) What is the maximum thickness of mortar joint width provided in Ashlar fine masonry?
10) What is the term used to indicate the rod which is used to dress roughly the hard stone?
11) What is the bond that is provided to strengthen the comer of a wall where a modified form of English bond is used?
12) What is the duration of immersing brick which are used before they actually placed in position, during construction?
13) Does an expansion joint in brick wall is necessary? State its interval along its length?
14) What is the minimum depth of concrete at the crown of a jack arch roof?
15) What material is used to obtain noiseless flooring?
16 What is the approximate thickness of brick course used in Madras Terrace Roof?
17) What is the term used to indicate inner surface of an arch?
18) What is the commonly adopted bearing length used for wooded lintels?
19) Up to what spans the brick lintels are used?
20) Can you define Wainscot which is used in paneling of wood masonry wall?
21) Can you draw a sketch showing soffit, tread and rise of a typical stair case?
22) What is the minimum percentage of the window area is provided with reference to the total inside area of the room?
23) What is the commonly used thickness of the plywood facing on flush door?
24) What is the term used to indicate the angle formed at the intersection of the two roof slopes?
25) Steel trusses are generally adopted because state the reasons?
26) What are the factors that influence quality of mosaic tiles/flooring?
27) Where the external metal staircase is generally used?
28) What is the most commonly adopted values of tread and rise, for Indian conditions?
29) What type of lines a combined line is represented by?
30) State the significance of GTS bench mark?
Transportation Engineering
31) What is the caftiber provided in case of WBM roads?
32) What is the standard interval of providing expansion joints in a CC pavement slab?
33) What is the minim grade of concrete recommended in case of truck serving CC pavements?
34) Do you know anything about Superpave technology?
35) What do you know about CRF: Central Road Fund?
36) What is the finding scenario of NHDP?
37) What is the funding difference between PMGSY and Bharath Nirman Projects?
38) What are the instruments used during reconnaissance survey?
39) What is the maximum width of a vehicle used on Indian Roads as per IRC:3?
40) What is the value of legal single axle load limit in India?
41) Define single axle load as per IRC standards?
42) State the difference between control line and building line?
43) What is the maximum value of super-elevation adopted in India for plain and rolling terrain?
44) What do you understand by equilibrium super-elevation?
45) What is the criterion used for design of sag and summit curves?
46) On what roads the speed breakers are permitted construct?
47) State the pavement design criteria as per Mechanistic-Empirical Method?
48) How many, number of zones the Indian continent is divided for design of Indian rigid pavement?
49) How many, number of conflicts can be reduced by adopting two-lane two-way road to two-lane one-way road?
50) What is a commercial vehicle and tell its minimum axle-load?
51) What extent of ballast cushion is maintained at inner rail of a railway track?
52) State the standard dimensions of BG, MG and NG that are adopted in India?
53) What is the value of conning of wheels provided in case of train wheel?
54) What is the difference between train and locomotive?
55) What is the minimum length of a platform for all type of gauges?
56) What is the minimum width of passenger platform for all type of gauges?
57) What is the minimum width of goods platform for .all type of gauges?
58) Name the classification of routes in Indian Railways?
59) What numerical and alphabets are indicated as Brand Mark Rolled on FF Rail Sections?
60) What is the maximum value of creep permitted on BG section of Indian Railways?
61) What is the difference between advanced starter signal and starter signal in Railways?
62) What is meant by control airspace and say their types adopted in airport engineering?
63) What do you understand by ILS in airport engineering?
64) What do you understand by precision approach runway?
65) What is the effect of CWC on light aircraft operation?
66) What are the ideal conditions assumed for design of length of a runway?
67) Name the Declared Distances Associated with Runway?
68) State a few runway markings and state the need of threshold markings?
69) State how the runways are designated with reference to their orientation?
70) Can you define VASI and PAPI System of airport lighting?
71) What are the major differences in the input values that are considered for design of runway and highway pavements?
72) What are the instruments can be used for establishing perpendicular offsets with reference to a chain line?
73) What are the limitations of chain surveying?
74) What is declination and dip in compass surveying?
75) What do you understand by Normal Tension in chain surveying?
76) Name the different type of chains used in chain surveying with reference to its length and number of links?
77) How many links will be there in a metric chain?
78) What is meant by 3-4-5 technique, used in chain surveying?
79) When the optical square is used?
80) What is the least count that can be measuring by using ordinary leveling staff?
81) What is the least count that can be measuring by using bar coded leveling staff?
82) What is meant by local attraction in compass surveying?
83) State a few differences between surveyor’s compass and prismatic compass?
84) State the factors affecting declination of a magnetic needle used in compass surveying?
85) Why the compound lens is used in telescopes? Name a few?
86) State the need of spire test used in theodolite surveying?
87) State the difference between line of sight and line of collimation?
88) What type of errors can be eliminated by repletion method of measurement of horizontal angle by a theodolite?
89) State the difference between free needle method and fast needle method of compass traversing?
90) State the need of balancing of closed traverse?
91) State the assumptions used in Bowditch’e method?
92) State the difference between self-reading and target staff?
93) What are the advantages of using internal focusing telescope over external focusing telescope?
94) What is the need of balancing of back sight and fore sight in leveling?
95) What is the effect of refraction, curvature and combined effects on a measured reading on a stall when held vertical?
96) Where three point and two point problems of plane tabling methods are applicable to the field conditions?
97) What is a total station and state its uses?
98) Where an auto level is used?
99) Up to how many seconds the auto level can get self- adjusted?
100) State the difference/comparison between photogrammetry and remote sensing?
101) What are applications of GIS in surveying?
102) Define azimuth and horizon?
103) State the difference between simsons rule and trapezoidal rule of measuring area surrounded by an irregular boundary?
Watershed Management
104) Can you define catchment area?
105) Define runoff and evapo-trasnspiration?
106) Name a few important and widely adopted methods of rain water harvesting?
107) Define watershed and state its management techniques?
108) Draw a few typical sketches showing a few important practices of watershed management?
109) What are the state and central government schemes/activities that are supporting watershed arrangement?
110) Define biomass and how it can used, managed to prevent from water and air pollution?
111) Define gabion structures and state its uses?
112) What are the techniques used for soil-moisture conservation in semi-arid areas?
113) Define and state the use of reservoir routing?
Engineering Drawing
114) What are the purposes of using hidden lines in engineering drawing?
115) What is the standard size of A4 designated drawing sheet as per BIS recommendation?
116) Do you know the thickness of hatching lines drawn for engineering drawing purpose?
117) What is the difference between 2nd angle and 4th angle projections?
118) State a few practical applications of parabolic curve?
119) Can you describe an epicycloid by a rough sketch?
120) What is the object formed by revolving a solid of semi-circular plate about its diameter?
121) Define isometric projection with reference to an object?
Soil Mechanics and Foundation
122) Define well gradation, uniform gradation and gap gradation of soil?
123) Define angularity test on aggregates?
124) What is plastic limit of soil and state the size of soil used for this test?
125) At what number of blows the liquid limit value is determined by Casagrande cup tests method?
126) At what penetration of needle used to determine | liquid limit value of soil by Cone Penetrometer Method?
127) State why the PI value of the soil is brought down to 6, in case of soil stabilization and embankment construction?
128) What classes of soils are susceptible to frost action in case of AASHTO method of soil classification system?
129) What is the major difference between unified soil classification system ^and Indian standard method of soil classification system?
130) Differentiate between OMC and Equilibrium moisture content?
131) State why the CBR obtained at 2.5 mm penetration will be slightly more than the CBR obtained at 5.0 mm penetration, in general?
132) What is the mixing temperature range of bituminous mixes, in plant?
133) What is the minimum temperature at which compaction of the bituminous paving work should be completed?
134) At what temperature the viscosity of bitumen is determined?
135) State the advantages of using lime powder in bituminous mixes?
136) What is the Fuller’s equation and state its significance in aggregate gradation?
137) What is the specific surface of OPC and RHPC as per IS: 269 and IS: 8041?
138) What is the minimum depth of foundation of ordinary buildings should be extended beyond the depth of cracks in black cotton soil?
139) For what purpose Mohr’s diagrams are used?
140) Up to what depth the soil engineer has to explore for construction of road pavements, in general?
141) Where the pile foundation is resorted to?
142) Where the well foundation is resorted to?
Steel Structures and Construction Management
143) What are the factors contributing strength of rivet?
144) What is the maximum permissible stress in tension for power driven rivets, in general?
145) At what conditions a plate may fail?
146) What is the term used to indicate a fillet weld?
147) What is the value of pitch for rivets in case of compression members?
148) What is PERT and CPM?
149) State the significance of critical path and float in PERT?
150) Can you define cost-slope in PERT?
Fluid Mechanics
151) What is Neutron’s law of viscosity?
152) What is the unit of kinematic viscosity in CGS system of units?
153) Mention the condition of stable equilibrium for a floating body?
154) Irrotational flow means ?
155) Define velocity potential?
156) Define stream function?
157) State the condition for free vortex flow?
158) How mass velocity and mean velocity are related in a laminar flow through a circular pipe?159) State the formula for the head loss due to sudden expansion?
160) What is an undistorted model?
161) Boundary layer separation takes place if
162) Drag force is expressed mathematically bv ?
163) Rate of how through venturimeter varies as ?
164) State the expression for specific speed of a turbine?
165) What is eye of an impeller? Hydrology
166) Define a confined aquifer?
167) Discharge from an unconfined aquifer can be completed from the equation ?
168) What is the difference between specific capacity and storage coefficient?
169) What is Dicken’s formula?
170) The best unit duration of storm for a unit hydrograph is ———— basis long?
171) The recurrence interval (T) by Gumbel’s method is given by ?
172) State Horton’s equation for estimating infiltration rate?
173) Name the techniques of evaporation reduction?
174) What is the difference between evapotranspiration and consumptive use?
175) What is point of inflection on a hydrograph?
Water Resources Engineering
176) What is duty?
177) Define field capacity?
178) What is the difference between base period and crop period?
179) What is the difference between infiltration and percolation?
180) Differentiate between single purpose and multipurpose projects?
181) Define shear friction factor?
182) What is an outlet?
183) Where canal falls are provided?
184) Name the silt regulation systems in canals?
185) When an intermediate sheet pile becomes ineffective?
186) Define flexibility of a canal outlet?
187) What is a contour canal?
187) When a canal syphon is to be constructed?
189) What are river training works?
190) What is a phreatic line in an earth dam?
Water and Waste Water Engineering
191) What is protected water?
192) What are the units of turbidity in International system of units?
193) One standard unit of color in water is the color produced by —–?
194) What is the relationship between total hardness and alkalinity?
195)State permissible limit of sulphates in domestic water supplies is ——–?
196) Efficiency of a sedimentation tank does not depends on———- ?
197) State the amount of bacteria removal percentage in slow sand filters?
198) What is back washing?
199) What is sullage?
200) What is the difference between disinfection and sterilization?
201) State the water distribution methods?
202) Sewer lines are to be designed & checked for———- ?
203) What is the minimum and maximum diameter of sewers generally adopted?
204) What is the standard shape of sewer adopted in combined sewerage system?
205) What is the density of sewarage?
206) Define BOD?
207) Define COD?
208) What is self purification of streams?
209) Mention the systems of plumbing?
210) What is the difference between HRT & MCRT.
Hydrolic Retention time HRT
Mean cell residence time MCRT.
Strength of Materials
211) What is young’s modulus?
212) State the expression for temperature stress?
213) What are elastic constants?
214) What is intensity of suddenly applied load in terms of gradually applied load?
215) Draw the bending moment diagram when there is only a couple on a simply supported beam?
216) What is point of contraflexure?
217) Mention the equation of simple bending?
218) Sketch the stress distribution (tensile/comp) and shear for an I-section?
219) What is principle of complimentary shear stresses.
220) State the equation of pure torsion?
221) Given the values of maximum and minimum principal stresses, how maximum shear stress can be computed?
222) State the formulae for noop stress and longitudinal stress?
223) What are direct and bending stresses?
224) In case of beam where the maximum deflection will occur?
225) Mention the relationship between slope and deflection of a beam and the corresponding conjugate beam?
226) Define a short column?
227) What is effective length of a column? >
228) Eulers formula will not valid when slenderness ratio is—– ?
229) what is the work done by the load on a laminated spring?
230) What is torsional rigidity?
Concrete Structures
231) Define characteristic strength of concrete?
232) What is minimum grade of concrete for RCC?
233) How effective span is computed in simply supported beams?
234) State the formulae for development length of bars.
235) Anchorage value of bonds and hocks is taken as?
236) What is the maximum spacing of bars in tension for bars?
237) What is the maximum area of compression reinforcement?
238) What is the maximum strain in concrete at the outermost compression fiber?
239) What is the area of stress block?
240) What is the depth of centre of compressive force from the extreme fiber in compression? Steel Structures
241) Strength of rivets is based ——-?
242) The bending stress in a rivet is ———– ?
243) What is the maximum pitch for rivets in case of compression members?
244) An angle section can be used as purlin when slope of the roof truss ———- ? .
245) What is actual length of a fillet weld?
246) In a plate girder what is the area of flonge angles?
247) What is economic depth of a plate girder?
248) Mention the use of influence line diagram?
249) In simply supported roof truss the bottom chords are subjected to ———— ?
250 Define rotational factor?
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