Campus Recruitment – Technical Interview – Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
1) What is Metrology?
2) What is difference between tolerance and allowance in manufactured component.
3) What is the current standard of length measurement as per ISO.
4) What is the current standard of time measurement as per ISO.
5) What is standardization organization for India.
6) What is a length measurement?
7) What is calibration of a instruments?
8) How is calibration verified for the measuring instrument?
9) What is the working principle of micrometer.
10) What is working principle of vernier in length measurement?
11) What is the specialty of slip gauges in length measurement.
12) What are possible application of micrometers and verniers.
13) What is accuracy of the measurement instrument?
14) Why different geometric tests are conducted on the machine tool?
15) What is comparator applications in geometric measurements?
16) What are various geometric features in Geometric tolerencing?
17) How is manufactured component surface specified?
18) Given 19H8g3- in this what is 19,H, 8, g, and 3?
19) What is tolerance grade IT ?
20) Why tolerance grade is given to manufacturing process?
21) How is manufacturing process classified on the basis of geometry modification?
22) Who proposed the basic theory of machining.
23) What are different methods of machining.
24) What is tool signature?
25) What is merchant cycle diagram.
26) What are different forces in the merchant cycle diagram.
27) What is Taylor’s tool life equation.
28) What is percentage of heat distribution between tool, work piece and chip in turning operation.
29) What are different types of tool signature systems?
30) Which process aids in manufacturing a most complex geometry?
31) What is engineering?
32) What is the purpose of engineering drawing?
33) What is A4 size drawing sheet size?
34) What are standard scales designated in drawing?
35) What are particulars written in little block of drawing sheet?
36) What are different drawing scales?
37) What are difficult types of machine drawings.
38) What is different meaning of lines in drawing?
39) Why enlarging and reading scales are used Engineering Drawing?
40) What is Representative Fraction (RF) in in Engineering Drawing?
41) What are method of projection in descriptive geometry?
42) Explain about Orthographic project, oblique, isometric, perspective projection?
43) Differentiate between first angle projection and third angle projection?
44) British and Indian Standards follow which angle of projection in Engineering Standards 1st and 3rd?
45) What is isometric scale?
46) What is monographic in engineering drawing?
47) How small screw thread is made externally?
48) How small screw thread is made internally?
49) By what alphabet letter metric thread is designated as per Bureau of Indian Standards?
50) Draw representation of internally and externally thread?
51) What is Left Hand and Right Hand thread as per drawing ?
52) Why is and fullering done in riveted joints?
53) How temperature in measured in a furnace?
54) What are temperature measuring device?
55) What is pettier and Thomson effect in temperature measurement?
56) What are mechanical properties of metal?
57) What tests of resistance to indexations?
58) Draw Stress – Strain of ductile steel?
59) Draw Stress-Strain diagram of brittle material.
60) What is true stress?
61) What are non destructive tests for metals property?
62) What are structures in metal?
63) What is effect of cold working on metal properties?
64) What is annealing?
65) How property change in owning and cold working?
66) What are the applications of phase diagram?
67) What is age hardening?
68) What is allotropic metal?
69) Can you draw Fe – FeF3 equilibrium diagram?
70) What is steel?
71) What is mild steel?
72) What is carbon medium of high carbon steel?
73) Given a furnace equipment and raw material, can you make steel. How?
74) Why heat treatment is conducted to steel?
75) What is slag?
76) What are different heat treatment processes?
77) What is alloy steel?
78) How steel is designated as per industrial practices?
79) What are statics and dynamics in engineering?
80) What is science? 81) What is mechanics of solids?
82) What is rigid body?
83) What is difference between kinematics and kinetics?
84) What does engineering mechanics study about?
85) What is principle of transmissibility of force?
86) What is parallelogram of forces?
87) What are coplanar forces?
88) What are concurrent forces?
89) What is difference between dot and cross product between two vectors A and B?
90) What is moment of a force?
91) What is couple?
92) What is friction?
93) What is the relation between tight and slack belt drive?
94) What is significance of centroid of rigid body?
95) What is moment of Inertia?
96) What is centroid of quarter circle?
97) What are applications of centroid in body motion?
98) What are applications of Moment of Inertia of bodies?
99) What is purpose of virtual work?
100) What is cast iron- white, malleable, gray, chilled, nodular, alloy?
101) What is drag in metal casting?
102) What is function of riser metal casting?
103) What is the function of gate in metal casting?
104) Why vents/holes are pierced in the sand mould?
105) What are various pattern allowances?
106) What is the function of facingsand in metal casting?
107) Why core is used in metal casting?
108) What is a draft in metal casting?
109) How IC cylinder head manufactured?
110) What is function of sprue metal casting?
111) Why sieve analysis is conducted in sand?
112) Which type of sand withstands high temperature?
113) What is AFS in sand testing?
114) What type of sand mould testing is conducted?
115) What different types of sand moulding machines?
116) What are different types of gating systems?
117) How do you calculate the cast yield?
118) What is Caine’s principle of riser design?
119) What is the function of chills in metal casting?
120) What are various of sand casting defect?
121) What are different types of – furnaces used in melting of metal?
122) What are different types of special casting techniques?
123) In steel factory which type of casting technique method is used?
124) What are different geometries made in rolling process?
125) What is merchant cycle diagram?
126) What are different forces in the merchant cycle diagram?
127) What is Taylor’s tool life equation?
128) What is percentage of heat distribution between tool, work piece and chip in turning operation?
129) What process aids in manufacturing a most complex geometry?
130) What are different types of machine tool operations?
131) What are typical lathe operations?
132) What are main milling operations?
133) What are types of indexing operation?
134) What is grinding wheel specifications?
135) What is difference between honing and lapping operations?
136) How is gears machined?
137) What are desirable properties of tool materials? i 138) What are different types of tool materials?
139) Can you draw different views of Single point cutting tool?
140) What is cutting tool nomenclature of signature?
141) What are different types of chip formation in cutting operation?
142) How the difference in machined surface is designated as per ISO?
143) What is difference between traditional and non- traditional machining?
144) What is thermodynamics?
145) What is thermodynamics system?
146) What are the classifications of thermodynamics system?
147) State and explain Zeroth law of thermodynamics?
148) State and Explain briefly about thermodynamics cyclic process?
149) What is equal static process?
150) What is energy defined in thermodynamics?
151) What is transition energy of the process?
152) What is Work?
153) Explain pdV work as path functions?
154) What are the limitations of pdV work?
155) What is flow work?
156) How much power (in watt) equals heat in Kcal/m?
157) Define specific heat?
158) Explain heat in a path function?
159) Define laws of thermodynamics – say joules expression?
160) What are corollary 1st law, 2nd law and 3rd law of thermodynamics?
161) What is adiabatic work?
162) Explain the role of 1st law OT for non-flow system, constant volume pressure, constant pressure, constant temperature, Reversible, adiabatic process, polytrophic process, irreversible process, constant internal energy process?
163) What is irreversible process?
164) Explain the 1st law of Thermodynamics for flow process and for constant volume (SSFE)?
165) What are the limitations of 1st law of thermodynamics in practical applications?
166) What are the limitations of 1st law of thermodynamics?
167) Define and explain heat engine and its efficiency?
168) What is COP of heat pump?
169) Explain perpetual motion of a machine?
170) Define Kelvin plank statement of 2nd law of thermodynamics?
171) Define and explain Claudius statement in 2nd Law of Thermodynamics – corollary one and two of law of thermodynamics?
172) What is Carnot cycle-corollary 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?
173) What is entropy?
174) Explain changing of a process at (a) constant volume (b) constant pressure (c) constant temperature?
175) What form of waves does the radiation of heat occur?
176) State the difference between black, white and grey body radiation of heat?
177) What does the Wien’s law, Stefan’s Botzman law and Plank’s state about heat radiation?
178) What is Carnot and reversed Carnot air cycle applied for?
179) What is co-efficient of Performance of Carnot cycle?
180) State, 1 ton of refrigeration effect consumes how much of heat energy and in terms of kW?
181) 1 kcal (heat) equals how much of kj?
182) What are applications of Air Refrigeration cycle P- V and T-S diagrams?
183) What type of Air cycles is used in aero – engines refrigeration?
184) Can you draw the Vapor Compression Refrigeration (T-S) cycle?
185) What are the desirable properties of Refrigerants?
186) Identify the following refrigerants chemical name – Rll, R12, R22, R502, R707 and R729?
187) Can you draw the working of modem power plant: T-S diagram, H-S diagram?
188) Why reheating is used in Modem steam power plant cycle?
189) What is difference between SI and Cl engines?
190) What are the Air cycles used in the study of IC (Internal Combustion) engines?
191) Can you draw P-V and T-S diagram for Carnot, Petrol Engine, Diesel engineer cycles?
192) What is application of Brayton or Joule air cycle applied for?
193) What are test conducted on petrol and Diesel Engine for performance?
194) Explain the working of absorption refrigeration system?
195) Explain the role of psychometric chart in identifying air conditioning process?
196) Draw T-S plot steam saturated temperature of watt?
197) Explain the application of steam tables? What can be found in steam tables? *
198) What are the applications of Mollier diagram?
199) What are assumptions of former law of hJT solid?
200) What are the assumptions of Newton-Retchman law of H-T solid-liquid?
201) What is the Heat conduct equation through thick plank well?
202) Write the heat conduct of these 3 layers in composite wall?
203) Write heat conduction theory on hollow cylinder?
204) Write heat conductor through composite cylinder?
205) In heat exchanger, plot the temperature Vs. length for counter flow and parallel flow?
206) How radiation heat transfer?
207) What is SAE or AISI number?
208) How is factor of safety designed?
209) What is the difference between kinematics and dynamics machining?
210) What are kinematics pairs?
211) What are elements of kinematics pairs?
212) What are classifications of kinematics?
213) What are the types of kinematics constraints?
214) Explain kinematic pair. What are the types of relative motors?
215) What is kinematic chain? 216) What is Giblers equation? 217) What is mechanism?
218) What type of inversion of kinematic chains?
219) What are methods of heating sustamous centre of mechanism?
220) State the ages to determine the performance of mechanism with N links and J joints?
221) What is Grashof’s criterion of movability?
222) Mohr’s normal and shear stress at a point in desiring Mohr’s?
223) What is principal stress?
224) What is St.Venant principal of stress?
225) Draw stress-strain curve of low carbon steel or Cl?
226) What is design process of machine elements?
227) Write torsion equation of solid shafts?
228) What are stress concentration machine elements?
229) Write equation of torsions showing stress in springs?
230) What is belt drive?
231) How does band brake operate?
232) How is weld strength estimated in shear?
233) What is design consideration of gears?
234) What is ASTM, ASME?
235) Differentiate between normal and shear stress?
236) How many stresses are to be defined at a point?
237) Differentiate between true stress and engineering stress?
238) How is thermal stress induced into a member?
239) Differentiate between the bulk modulus and modulus of rigidity?
240) What is Poisson’s ratio?
241) What are stress relations for a given radius of curvature for pure bending of the member
242) Can you draw shear and bending moment diagram for uniformly loaded cantilever beam?
243) Draw Mohr’s circle indicating the stress at a point?
244) Explain the maximum normal stress theory of failure and which type of material is it suitable?
245) Explain the shear stress theory of failure and which type of material is it suitable?
246) Explain the maximum normal stress theory of failure and which type of material is it suitable?
247) Explain the maximum strain energy theory of failure and which type of material is it suitable?
248) Explain the maximum distortion energy theory of failure and which type of material is it suitable?
249) Can you explain the principle of entropy increase?
250) What is the role of Maxwell equation suitable for second law of thermodynamics?
251) What is the change in internal energy when P-V, V-T, T-P are considered as independent variables?
252) What is the relationship for Tds when P-V, V-T, T-P are considered as independent variables?
253) What is Helmholtz and Gibbs function’s role in the thermodynamics?
254) Draw the different phases of pure substance for Temperature-Heat relationship?
255) Draw the useful phase diagrams of cyclic process for pure substance of steam for P-V, T-S, h-S, P-h plots?
256) What is the mechanism to define straight line motion?
257) What are mechanisms for copying a straight line motion?
258) Can you differentiate between Davis, Ackerman automobile steering mechanisms?
259) Explain the role of friction in the inclined plane, wedge friction, screw friction, clutch friction, collar and pivot friction?
260) Write the power transmission in the case open belt drive?
261) What is tension ratio of open belt drive?
262) Differentiate between Band and Block brake system?
263) Differentiate between absorption and transmission dynamometer?
264) State the difference between Watt, Porter, Proell, Hartnell, Wilson-Hartnel, Pickering governors?
265) What are the characteristics of a governor?
266) What is effort of the governor?
267) What are different types of cams used in machines?
268) What are different types of follower motions obtained from cams in machines?
269) State the difference between static and dynamic balancing of machines?
270) Explain how balancing principles applied to machines?
271) What is law of gearing?
272) What is pressure angle of a gear?