APPSC Group 2 Exam Selection Process Details
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC)’s Group II Examination selection process details are given below…
Selection Procedure
Group II Examination will consists of Written Examination and Interview/ Document verification.
1. Written Examination
The written examination conducted by APPSC is of objective type mode which includes Paper I, II & III. Paper I consists of General Studies, Paper II consists of Social and Cultural History of Andhra Pradesh & General overview of the Indian Constitution and Paper III consists of Planning in India and Indian Economy. Each Paper carries 150 marks and its time duration is 2: 30 hours. The minimum qualifying marks for candidates is given below…
I. SC/ST/PH Candidates: 135 Marks
II. BC Candidates: 157.5 Marks
III. Others: 180 Marks
2. Interview/Document Verification
Only those candidates who qualify in the Written Examination by being ranked high & also based on the rule of reservation will be considered. The minimum qualifying marks for selection are OCs 40%, BCs 35%, SCs, STs & PHs 30% or as per rules. The minimum qualifying marks are relaxable in the case of SC/ST/BC & PHs on the discretion of the Commission. The candidates will be selected and allotted to Service/ Department as per their rank in the merit list and as per Zonal preference along with he/she must be medically fit for allotment of candidates against the vacancies available. Candidates have to produce Original documents and other particulars for verification as and when required and called for.
The appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the appropriate medical classification, and if he is of sound health, active habits free from any bodily defect or infirmity.
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